Friday, November 14, 2008

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #2 (March 2006)

"The Jealousy Thing"
Writer: Sean McKeever
Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa
Colorist: Christina Strain
Letterer: Dave Sharpe

Drama abounds at Midtown High, as Flash Thompson flashthompsonbacks (ouch!) to MJ wearing a tiara and telling him she is no longer totally crushing. Flash responds to the painful memory by doing some damage to his locker before overhearing MJ calling Peter Parker a dork, in a way that makes it clear she is now totally crushing on Peter. Flash knocks Peter down and calls him a wuss (he does not like Peter), but then MJ helps Peter up and calls him a goober (she does like Peter).

Later, MJ auditions for the school play, continuing her series of using insults as compliments by calling Midtown's most popular drama student the "drama queen!" But it's enough to win her some new friends, and MJ immediately starts hanging out with them and blowing off her old friends (including Peter).

Fortunately, as Spider-Man, Peter manages to keep his options open, and MJ sees him swinging around later that night with another redhead:

After seeing Spidey and Firestar together, MJ studies with Peter at the library, where she says the greatest catty comment in the history of catty comments:
MJ: ...and then he's all, "ooo, Heat Girl, you're so hot!" 
Peter: I think her name is Firestar.
MJ: Peter, you're missing the point. He won't have anything to do with me, but then he goes and dates this other redhead -- what, 'cause she can fly?
That is gold. But later that day, MJ gets the lead part in the school play, so she probably forgets all about Firestar and starts focusing on her iambic pentameter.

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